Monday, April 16, 2012

Finally Got Some Black Shades!

Yay,  I finally took my procrastinating butt to the store and got some black lampshades.  I did a whole post about black shades and how much I like them, and the fact that I don't own any.  Its funny how something as small as a black shade can really class up the joint!  Where did they go you ask?  Remember my entryway that has been in the works for a while now?  Here is a refresher.  (click here to see that post)  See... no lamp shades in the picture.

I've made a few changes.   I have two of those ottomans.  I covered one with Turquoise Rub n' Buff and the other with Gold Leaf Rub n' Buff.  If you are new to my blog and not familiar with Rub n' Buff, it's a metallic wax.  It comes in a little tube.  You can buy it from most craft stores or online.  It's really easy to use on leather and most everything else too (except for builder grade yellow brass fixtures, doesn't work so good on those).  For these ottomans I squirted several pea size blobs of Rub n' Buff all over the top and sides then rubbed it in with a cloth.  I just kept adding more until it was completely covered.  Didn't need to seal them.

So the changes... I've gone gold!  I swapped the turquoise ottoman for the gold one.  I have Gold Leaf Rub n' Buff on the walls (stencil) and on the ottoman.  Yes I'm a Rub n' Buff addict.

I love the new shades on my vintage brass lamps.  Those are garage sale lamps I picked up for a whopping $5 bucks.  Love them!  I found the black shades at Lowe's for only $12.00 each.  Not too shabby.

~Renew Redo~


  1. I really like the new vignette you made and love those shades! It's crazy I could have sworn you had black just seems so you!!!!

  2. Oh and I love how elegant lamp shades feel too :)

  3. perfect! love all the gold! I have been in a decorating slump lately. Thanks for the inspiration :o)


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