Saturday, October 27, 2012

How To Seal Metallic Silver Spray Paint ~ Without It All Going WRONG!

Ok, have you ever used metallic silver spray paint... then tried to seal it with Poly... and had it end up looking more like gun metal gray, instead of the pretty bright silver you started out with.  Or, have you ever spray painted something metallic silver... didn't seal it at all... then ended up with a nightmare because of the finish coming off and looking all crap like?  Well, here is a way around all that!  SPRAY CAR WAX! Yep, you heard me right!  But it's got to be the spray quick set type.  Here's what I use.   Meguiar's Ultimate Quick Wax.  You can pick it up at Walmart, or as I like to call it... Wally-World.

Here is what metallic silver spray paint can look like if you try to spray it with Poly and you haven't "treated" it first.

See how it goes very dark!?  
Here is how it will look if you spray the car wax first.

All you need to do is paint your piece with the metallic spray paint of your choice.  I used Valspar metallic silver here.  Once the paint dries, spray the entire surface with the spray wax.  Use a paper towel to wipe it around, keep wiping until dry.  Then, you can start spraying your Poly.  Here is another tip about the Poly.  Back away from the piece you are spraying!  Really!  Hold the can AT LEAST 12" away so that you have a light mist instead of a hard stream.  Resist the urge to get close!  Do 2 or 3 light misting coats and you'll be all set!  You can respray the wax between coats too!
**Note if you are using a mirrored look spray paint, it will be dulled down, but will still be light and silver, like the table above.

More on the table soon.
Hope these couple of tips help with your metallic silver spray paint adventures!!

~Renew Redo~


  1. Thanks for sharing Sammy. I have to ask: Where did you hear about this?
    My poly looked good until the hubby left the lint roller on it ;)

    1. Hey Julia! I'm just the experimental type I guess. I was having trouble getting a good seal on my spray painted pieces. Wax is used to seal furniture, so the spray wax just popped into mind because it's a lot lighter. So I just put 2 and 2 together. Works great and after 2 or 3 coats of poly and wax the surface is pretty scratch resistant too. : )

      Sammy ~ Renew Redo

  2. Now that was a smart idea. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Hey Sammy! Super helpful tip! I have an acrylic spray sealer on hand - will that work with the wax? What's the difference with poly? Thx!

  4. Hi! I have a dining room table I am removing the furniture wax I used because it is not holding up well at all. I plan on repainting with my metallic grey paint and finishing it again. DO you think the car wax under the poly will not effect the adherence of the poly? I was told not to use poly over wax due to the wax being oil based and the poly water based. I wasn't sure if the car wax may be a better alternative..
    THank you!

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  6. I like your blog a lot. Its informative and full of information. Thank you for sharing.

  7. **Note if you are using a mirrored look spray paint, it will be dulled down, but will still be light and silver, like the table above.
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